聰明人把知道說出來,而智者則不聲張聰明人把知道說出來,而智者則不聲張 You can tell whether a man is clever by his ... [查看全文]
Why Should I Do My Best?/為什么要全力以赴?Why should I do my best? Have you ever watched a quitter1 in a... [查看全文]
生命的度量Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctor worry about them. T... [查看全文]
15句英語諺語講述人生真諦諺語,一般情況下都是短小而精悍的。諺語是人民群眾口頭流傳的習用的固定語句,用簡單通俗的話來反映深刻的道理,... [查看全文]
發(fā)現(xiàn)身邊的美 【京翰·成都天府校區(qū)(未來校區(qū))地址】成都市青羊區(qū),西御街3號領地中心東塔3樓。400-616-1015轉分機4388#(溫馨提示:400... [查看全文]
回家 【京翰·重慶南坪校區(qū)地址】重慶市南岸區(qū),南坪西路1號3-3號西計大廈。400-616-1015轉分機4395#(溫馨提示:400課程咨詢電話,先撥打... [查看全文]
美輪美奐的20句英文佳句Your presence is a present to the world 你的存在是獻給世界的一份禮物 You’re unique and on... [查看全文]
The persons‘ valueThe person‘s valueEverybody‘s pursuing is different, certainly the value existed by him is als... [查看全文]
BEC模擬考有感昨天把在深大進行的BEC模擬測試的考生的試卷改完以后, 真的感慨良多. 參加考試的幾十人里, 及格的就只有那么幾個, 其他的... [查看全文]
supportThere are two ways to spreading light :to be the candle or the mirror that reflect it !傳播光明的方法有... [查看全文]