You see the path of the waters,really building up here. 看見水流的路徑了吧 這里的水勢已經變大了
Progress was good,then all of a sudden I stopped to my tracks. 進程不錯 突然我發(fā)現(xiàn)無路可走了
Possibly about forty foot drop,straight down this. 大概有四十英尺 從這里直落下去
You see the huge amount of water going down there. 你看大量的水流從上面落下
It was too high too jump,so I made a harness and rope from rattan I found. 從這里跳下去太高了 為此我用找到的藤條做了吊帶和繩子
As the crew and I went over the lip,we committed ourselves to following this river,but then heaven's opened. 當我和攝制組在崖邊查看了之后 決定沿著這條河繼續(xù)前進 但是這時下起了傾盆大雨
The rain drench rope to make the climb a real challenge. 大雨浸濕了繩子 加劇了攀爬的難度
But what was waiting for us at the bottom was much more concerning. 但是更讓人擔心的是 在下面等著我們的東西
The river was starting to flood.It had been aggressively raining harder and harder and harder. 河水開始泛濫了 雨越下越大
As we were in the middle of this river,it was literally rising,by the minute. 當我們到達河中央時 它開始真正的上漲了 就在幾分鐘之內
A lot of sort of thousand mile stairs into the eyes,'cause we all realize what was happening. 眼前困難重重 我們都意識到發(fā)生了什么
And we knew that time gona be short it was how far we push that risk. 時間緊急 我們冒了多大的險
But we managed get down there,and eventually we saw all of the crew out like drown rats. 不過我們成功的下到了底部 最終見到所有的隊員 像落湯雞一樣出來了
Filming the show above the ground is tough,but when we went to deep into the earth,the states get even higher. 在陸地上拍攝紀錄片就很困難 然而當我們深入地下 難度變的更大