LECTURE 120 基本動詞 MAKE 7
1. make an exception for sb. / make an exception ** 把某人作為例外,特別對待
解 習語;詞義溯源:為某人制作[例外(exception)]
例 Dear Parents, while we do expect all tuition to be paid prior to the first day of classes, we understand that sometimes you may not be able to do so because of your unique financial situation. I've instructed the finance office to make exceptions for parents who can show that they are able to pay but are temporarily in a financial bind. If you need such special consideration, contact Mr. Franks in the finance office. Sincerely, Principal Browning
2. make an impression on sb. / make an impression ** 給某人留下印象;對某人產生影響
解 習語;詞義溯源:[對于(on)]某人產生[印象、影響(impression)];通常與good,bad等形容詞一起使用
例 You have to make an impression on the interviewer. He'll be meeting with dozens of applicants. You have to do or say something that makes him remember you when he reviews the interview reports.
3. make cracks / make cracks about sb. or sth. ** 嘲笑;開玩笑
解 〈口〉習語;詞義溯源:對某人或某物做出[評論(cracks)]
例 New evidence that the murders at Thompson Poultry Farms were committed out of revenge has come to light . Investigators found letters in Timothy Wilson's home which indicate he was deeply disturbed by cracks made by his colleagues about his divorce with his wife last month.
4. make do with sb. or sth. / make do ** 勉強應付,湊合著做
解 習語;詞義溯源:使某人或某物(勉強)[做(do)]
例 Just when I thought we'd have to make do with the 1. 5 tons of ready-mix concrete we had remaining, we got a break . Chuck called and said he'd send over two trucks, each carrying three cubic tons.
5. make ends meet / make both ends meet ** 使收支相抵,量入為出,以微薄收入為生
解 習語;詞義溯源:使得收入和支出的兩個[終點(ends)][相遇(meet)]
例 She has spent all her salary on new clothes and finally finds it hard to make ends meet again this month. Therefore, she has to resort to an array of desperate money-making schemes.
(A) make an exception
(B) make an impression
(C) make cracks about
(D) make do with
(E) make ends meet
1. A: My annual income is just sufficient to pay for my living expenses. B: You're telling me that $55,000 a year is only enough to ______? Then you're living an expensive lifestyle. Two families could get by on $55,000 for a year. If you're only surviving on it, you must be wasting a lot.
2. A: Let's not apply the rule to this company in this one particular case? Forcing Bronson Ltd. to comply may force them out of business. B: I'm sorry, but we can not ______. The rule is the rule. If we allow one company to be free from the rule, others will demand the same.
3. A: Sorry we don't have an electric typewriter. You'll have to accomplish your task with this manual one instead. Think you can ______ it? B: Sure, I'm like McGyver—I may not have the proper tools, but I can always do the best possible job with whatever is available to do it with.
4. A: If the judge doesn't send Robert to jail for at least a day, I doubt he'll cause an effect which Robert will remember. Even a single day in jail can ______ that'll keep him from ever breaking the law again. B: You're probably right, but still I'd hate to see him have to suffer that.
5. A: I've had enough of your jokes about my father! If you ridicule him one more time, I'll get even with you—I guarantee you'll regret it. B: Oh come on Bill, we all ______ each other. There's no harm intended. Don't make a big deal of it.
1. (E)
2. (A)
3. (D)
4. (B)
5. (C)
I. 1. 各位親愛的家長,雖然我們希望所有學費能在第一天開課之前繳齊,但我們理解各位可能會因為特殊的經(jīng)濟情況而無法繳齊。我已經(jīng)通知了財務辦公室,對于能證明有支付能力,只是暫時有經(jīng)濟困難的家庭可以作為例外。如果您需要我們特殊考慮的話,請與財務辦公室的弗蘭克斯先生聯(lián)系。布朗寧校長敬上
2. 你要給面試官留下深刻印象。他要面試幾十個應征者。你必須做一些或者說一些能讓他在復查面試報告時想起你的事情。
3. 有新證據(jù)證明湯普森家禽農場謀殺案是出于報復。調查人員在蒂莫西·威爾遜家中找到多封信件,這些信暗示,他與妻子上個月離婚的事情受到同事嘲笑,這讓他非常煩惱。
4. 當我以為我們只能用剩下的1.5噸預拌混凝土勉強應付的時候,我們時來運轉了。查克打電話來說他會派人送來兩卡車混凝土,每輛卡車上都裝了3立方噸。
5. 她把所有的薪水都花在了買新衣服上,最后發(fā)現(xiàn)這個月又難挨到月底了。所以,她只能采取一系列不顧一切的賺錢計劃。
II. 1. A:我的年薪只夠支付我的生活開支。B:你是要告訴我一年5.5萬美元只夠你應付生活?那你過得太奢侈了。5.5萬美元夠兩個家庭生活一年了。如果這筆錢只夠你勉強生活,那你就太浪費了。
2. A:在這種特殊情況下,我們還是別把這項規(guī)定強加給布朗森有限公司吧?強迫他們遵守規(guī)定可能會使他們破產的。B:很抱歉,但是我們不能破例。規(guī)定就是規(guī)定。如果我們允許一家公司不遵守規(guī)定,那么其他公司也會有同樣的要求。
3. A:抱歉,我們沒有配備電動打字機,你得用這個手動的來完成任務。你覺得能湊合著用嗎?B:當然。我就像“百戰(zhàn)天龍”——或許我沒有合適的工具,但是我總能用任何可以使用的工具做到最好。
4. A:如果法官不判羅伯特至少一天的監(jiān)禁,我懷疑他能不能讓羅伯特記住這個教訓。哪怕一天的監(jiān)獄生活也能給他留下深刻印象,讓他不再違法。B:或許你說得對,但是我不想看他遭那個罪。
5. A:我受夠了你開我父親的玩笑!如果你再嘲笑他,我就跟你算賬——我保證你會后悔的。B:哦,算了吧,比爾,我們經(jīng)常相互取笑,并沒有惡意。這沒什么大不了,別大驚小怪的。