很多小伙伴背了很多英語單詞,卻還是聽不懂外國人的對話,很大一部分原因是我們學(xué)的是書面用語,而對方說的是一些約定俗成的習(xí)語俗語,所以如果我們想要提升自己的口語水平,還是要注意英語俗語的積累。以下是聽力課堂小編整理的英語俗語:upset the applecart的資料,希望你能有所收獲!
upset the applecart
這是個比較古老的成語,因為其中的applecart如今已很少見了。Cart是由牲口拉的兩輪大車,applecart則是載運(yùn)蘋果的大車。把一車蘋果拉到市場上賣掉,換幾個錢買些自己想要的東西,多美??!趕車的正打著他的如意算盤呢!可惜,不知怎么搞的,蘋果車翻了,他的小算盤也就完了。這便是upset the applecart的意思。它用以泛指任何“計劃受挫、美夢破滅”的情況:
We thought we would give him a pleasant surprise by giving him our present on his birthday, but Mary leaked out the secret and upset the applecart.
For the past three weeks we have been carefully planning the garden party, but the continual rain has upset our applecart.
He thought of going to study in Oxford after finishing high school here. But his father’s sudden death upset his applecart.
以上就是英語俗語:upset the applecart的全部資料,還等什么,趕快練起來吧!