a blissful marriage 快樂的婚姻
a cheerful day 令人高興的一天
a cheerful smile 快樂的微笑
a grateful girl 心存感激的女孩
a jolly party 歡樂的聚會
a joyous occasion 歡樂的日子
a satisfied look 滿意的表情
an excited group of people 一群激動的人
acclaim [?'kle?m] 為……喝彩
attracted by the lake 被湖的美景迷住了
be carried away 迷上
be contented with 對……感到滿意
be delighted at 對……很高興
be encouraged at the success 受到成功的鼓舞
be excited about 為……而興奮
be excited with joy at the success 為成功而欣喜
be fascinated by the spectacle of 被……場面所吸引
be fascinated with her beauty 被她的美貌吸引
be grateful to sb. for sth. 因某事感激某人
be greatly inspired by 大受鼓勵
be greatly touched by 大受感動
be indebted to sb.感激某人
be interested in doing 對……感興趣
be interested in the book 對這本書感興趣
be irresistibly mad with joy 欣喜若狂
be joyful over/about 因……而高興
be keen on 喜愛,對……著迷
be moved to tears 激動得流淚
be overwhelmed with joy 快樂至極
be pleased at the news 聽到這消息很高興
be pleased to do 高興做
be pleased to hear the news 聽到這個消息很高興
be pleased/delighted to see her 見到她很高興
be powerfully attracted to 被強烈地吸引
be satisfied with 對……感到滿意
be thrilled at the good news 聽到好消息很興奮
be wild with delight 欣喜若狂
be wild with joy/jump for joy 狂歡
be willing to do 樂意做
beam with joy 笑逐顏開
beside oneself with joy 極為快樂
blissful ['bl?sf?l] 高興的
cheerful ['t???f?l] 歡樂的
cheerful appearance 快樂的表情
cheerful people 快樂的人們
dance/jump for joy 高興得跳起來
encourage sb. in his studies 鼓勵某人學習
enjoy doing 喜歡做
enjoyment [?n'd???m?nt] 快意
exclaim with delight 高興得大聲喊叫
exult in/at/over 為……狂喜
favor ['fe?v?] 偏愛
favourite ['fe?v?r?t] 特別受到喜愛的人/物
full of/filled with joy 充滿歡樂
genial ['d?i?n??l] 和善的,友好的
get excited 變得激動
get greatly encouraged 大受鼓舞
get sulky 慪氣,不悅
go into raptures at the news 聽到那個消息高興至極
gusts of joy 陣陣喜悅
gusts of laughter 陣陣笑聲
hail 為……歡呼
happiness ['h?p?n?s] 快樂
happy-go-lucky 樂天的,無憂無慮的
have a good time 過得愉快
have a pleasant holiday 過一個愉快的假日
in good/high spirits 心境極佳
inspire sb. with confidence 使某人產生信心
inspire sb. with patriotism 激起某人的愛國心
interesting ['?ntr?st??] 有趣的
joke [d???k] 笑話
jolly ['d??l?] 愉快的,高興的
joyful/joyous ['j??f?l] 快樂的,高興的
jubilant ['d?u?b?l?nt] 喜悅的
jump for joy 非常高興
laugh [lɑ?f] 笑
luck [l?k] 運氣
lucky ['l?k?] 幸運的
merry ['mer?] 快樂的
on the top of the world 心滿意足,非常幸福
overjoyed at/to do 對……感到非常高興
please [pli?z] /glad 高興
pleasure ['ple??] 愉快,快樂
prefer [pr?'f??] 喜歡,寧愿
read the book with great delight 高興地讀那本書
rejoice [r?'d???s] 欣賞,高興
rejoice over 為……欣喜
restrain one's excitement 抑制住激動的心情
shed tears of joy/in delight 喜極而泣
show joy at being promoted 因晉升而高興
show no sign of pleasure 未顯出高興的樣子
tears of happiness flowing down 流下幸福的淚水
tell a funny story 講笑話
thank sb. for 因……感謝某人
to the joy of sb.使某人大為高興的是
warmly encourage 熱情鼓勵
wish for nothing better 想不到有更好的了
yell with delight 樂得大叫