a brief speech 簡短的發(fā)言
a campaign speech 競選演說
a closing speech 閉幕詞
a congratulatory speech 賀詞
a curtain speech 謝幕詞
a dull speech 枯燥無味的演說
a farewell speech 告別詞
a flat speech 單調(diào)的演說
a formal speech 正式演說
a lengthy speech 冗長的演說
a man of blunt speech 說話直率的人
a man of rapid speech 口齒流利的人
a man of slow speech 口齒遲鈍的人
a passionate speech 熱情洋溢的演說
a pointless speech 不得要領(lǐng)的演說
a pretentious speech 夸夸其談的演說
a rambling speech 東拉西扯的演說
a speech for the defence (法庭上的)辯護詞
a speech on the war 關(guān)于戰(zhàn)爭的演說
a suggestive speech 很有啟發(fā)性的演說
a tedious speech 冗長乏味的演說
a throne speech 國王敕諭
a tiresome speech 沉悶的演說
a violent/fierce speech 激烈的演說
a welcoming speech 歡迎詞
an after-dinner speech 餐后演講
an answering speech 答詞
an eloquent speech 雄辯的演說
an empty speech 內(nèi)容空洞的演說
an impassioned speech 慷慨激昂的演說
an impromptu/offhand speech 即席演說
an incendiary speech 煽動性的演說
an opening speech 開幕詞
be startled beyond speech 吃驚得說不出來
compose a speech 寫一篇演講
deliver a speech extemporaneously 即席發(fā)表演說
educated speech 有教養(yǎng)的談吐
everyday speech 日常用語
figure of speech 修辭格
flattering speech 奉承的言語
free speech 言論自由
give speech to one's feelings 說出自己的感情
give/make/deliver a speech 作演講
have an impediment in speech 說話口吃
hear a speech out 把演講聽完
in colloquial speech 用口語
in ordinary speech 在日常話語中
infant speech 幼兒言語
make a radio speech 發(fā)表廣播講話
parts of speech 詞類
people of affected speech 說話矯揉造作的人
proverbs long current in popular speech 在大眾語言中長期流傳的諺語
refine one's speech 使談吐幽雅
reported speech 間接引語
standard speech 標準語
the direct/indirect speech 直接/間接引語
the diversity of human speech 人類言語的多樣性
the faculty of speech 言詞能力
the native speech of Ireland 愛爾蘭方言
the provincial speech 方言
the speech of the common people 老百姓的語言
the subject of a speech 演說的主題