B: Remember how funny the first day of class was? You gave the professor a kiss on each cheek, and he was so surprised by it.
A: I was so ashamed of myself after that, but I was grateful for his politeness. He was patient with me as I learned the costumes here.
B: Yes, I guess you weren't aware of the fact that we don't kiss our teachers in the US.
A: I didn't know that in the States when a woman kisses a man who isn't related to her, that could mean she's attracted to him. In Spain it's normal to kiss someone on both cheeks to say hello, or when you are introduced to someone new.
B: Well, if I went to Spain, I'm sure there would be many customs I would have to become familiar with too. Do you feel more comfortable now?
A: Well, I felt like I wasn't prepared for American culture at first, now that I've been here six months, I am much more conscious of what's considered appropriate.