Your biggest challenge is that you tend to retain water. To increase your fitness level, Pisces, avoid excess salt—and, oddly enough, drink plenty of water. Concentrate on fruits and vegetables, and for exercise, yoga by far suits your temperament well. A walk each day would also make a huge difference. Remember: you are ruled by the feet—so splurge on some great walking shoes!
You might be lucky enough to reach your fitness goal by simply cutting out bread and taking up jogging. Most Aries have a high rate of metabolism, and they love going fast. But it's difficult for you to be patient. Just remember, Aries: If you keep this up, you'll look extra hot for summer.
Dieting is tough on you, dear Taurus. You love food, especially sweets, and while you're not lazy, exercising is NOT your favorite pastime. For you, a diet plan involving smaller meals allowing a few sweets, coupled with yoga, Tai Chi, and/or a 15-minute walk each day could slim you down—surely but slowly.
親愛(ài)的牛牛,節(jié)食對(duì)你來(lái)說(shuō)很困難,你太好吃,尤其是甜食,雖然你不懶,但是不喜歡運(yùn)動(dòng),對(duì)你來(lái)說(shuō),每餐少吃一點(diǎn)點(diǎn),允許吃點(diǎn)甜食,加上瑜伽、太極和每天15分鐘的步行可能會(huì)讓你瘦下來(lái) ——肯定有效不過(guò)比較緩慢。
The Twins go like racehorses, and operate mostly on nervous energy. Therefore, a diet/exercise program that relies less on speed and more on building strength, such as protein and weight training, could generate sufficient endurance to see you through hours of beach volleyball.
You love to cook, Cancer, and to sample your wares while preparing them! Avoid temptation by adopting a nutritional program involving pre-measured, prepared meals. For exercise, try yoga and aerobics videos at home alone. You're not yet comfortable scantily clad in front of others.
If you try to become slim and fit overnight, Leo, you're in danger of failure, because you'll surely cheat. You're in a hurry to look your very best, but you enjoy food too much to cut your calorie intake too low. Be patient and take it slow. Taking up running or swimming might help.
Health and fitness probably aren't much of a problem for you, Virgo. You don't put on weight easily, and you're conscientious about fitness. For variety, try another dietary regimen and a new exercise program. It might make more of a difference than you'd think.
Balance is your keyword—and when striving for fitness, remember that, Libra. You might work out like an Olympian one moment, and totally quit the next, scarfing down sweets and vegging out in front of the TV. Adopt a program that's reasonable. You'll be more likely to succeed.
When you work towards health and fitness, Scorpio, you're capable of cutting down to just enough to keep you alive. But if you do what many Scorpios do to stay fit—embrace the martial arts—you'll need to eat more. You'll never get that black belt if you're starving.
You're athletic, Sag, and are usually pretty fit. But you probably eat a lot as well, and in spite of your activities, you probably did gain weight over the winter. Avoid weight training and concentrate on running, swimming, and doing the treadmill. For food: concentrate on fruits and salads.
You alternate between eating hardly at all and feasting on gourmet foods—and you almost never find time to exercise with your busy work schedule. However, in summer, the pull of the beaches may be too strong to resist for the Sea Goat. Change your habits. Eat healthy. Walk at least twice a day—perhaps to and from the office.
你必須在努力節(jié)食和享受豐盛的美食之間做出選擇 ——你的工作太忙,幾乎沒(méi)有時(shí)間鍛煉。但是夏天海灘的誘惑可能讓熱愛(ài)大海的海豚們實(shí)在難以抗拒,那么改變你的習(xí)慣吧,健康飲食,每天至少步行兩次——也許是上班和下班的路上。
Adventure is your game—and that includes your fitness programs. Exotic foods from faraway places are especially appealing to the Water Bearer, and any outlandish sort of exercise seems the perfect way for you to get in shape. For summer fitness, indulge in lighter faire from around the world, and try a group exercise program to feed your love of people.