Who count as a diaosi?
Do you have a personal saving of RMB 100,000? Did you pay for your house on your own infull? Of course, the premise is you bought a house. If your answers are yes, you are definitelynot a diaosi. The report defines diaosi as workers who have a personal saving of RMB100,000or less, no home or ability to buy their own home without financial help. Of the over 210thousand respondents, 62.2% believe they are diaosi. Those people, aged mainly between 21and 30 years old, are the vast employees at the grassroots level. Their average monthly wageis RMB 2917.7, while the figure is 5793 in Beijing according to the official statistics。
The life of diaosi
The report shows that 73.6% of diaosi stay far away from their hometown, in hope of makingmore money to change the life of themselves and their family. They are living a frugal life, withthe cost for three meals below 39 yuan. 7.8% of them even keep the cost under 10 yuan. Halfof them spend less than 500 yuan on the monthly rent。
Work and making money occupy most of their time. 21.7% of diaosi work overtime daily.Recreation is a little extravagant to them. 54.2% of diaosi spend only 500 yuan on travelling.They would stay at home rather than going out for fun. 65.7% of them do shopping mainlyonline. And software for social network and games are very popular among this group ofpeople。
CCTV has ever done a well-known street interview, asking people if they are happy or not. 52.7% of the male diaosi believe they are living an unhappy life, while female diaosi are moreoptimistic and 48.1% of them believe so. Those aged between 25 and 30 years old are theunhappiest group. Besides pressure from work, they are bearing on huge pressure fromlooking for a mate or supporting a big family. 37.8% of diaosi believe they suffer frompsychological problems and haven’t received proper counseling. Most of them turn tosleeping, talking about their troubles, and drinking to relieve stress。
Diaosi Index ranking
They also calculated Diaosi Index in terms of city, province, region, industry etc. Changchun isthe city whose Diaosi Index is the highest and Jilin is the province whose Diaosi Index is thehighest, followed by Shanxi and Inner Mongolia. In terms of industry, Pleb Index is the highestin agriculture and forestry, followed by supermarket/department store/retail. Pharmaceutical/bio-engineering ranks the third。