You’ve probably heard of Dunbar’s Number whichsuggests that human beings can only maintainmeaningful relationships with between 100 to 230other people, and that number is typically 150. It’sbeen demonstrated to hold true in all kinds of situations—from ancient armies to big business.
But you might not know that Robin Dunbar, the anthropologist behind the number, has sincealso suggested that those relationships are layered, like an onion. He argues that peopletypically have five ultra-close relationships, then 10 slightly less cozy companions, 35 at moredistance, and then 100 in an outer circle. Now he and follow researchers have published datathat appears to lend weight to the theory.
The remaining data was then clustered, to sort out whether there was layering in friendshipcloseness, where closeness was measured by the frequency of calls between two individuals.Turns out that the clusters shape up rather similarly to Dunbar’s suggestions, with 4.1 in thefirst layer, 6.9 in the next, then 18.8, and finally 99.1. The results are published on arXiv.