Health insurer Cigna's 2018 US Loneliness Index found that 46% of Americans report feeling lonely sometimes or always, and 47% report feeling left out. Cigna calls those "epidemic levels."
A little less, 43%, report feeling isolated from others, and the same number report feeling they lack companionship and their relationships lack meaning.
The report, conducted in partnership with Ipsos, surveyed 20,000 people in the US using UCLA's Loneliness Scale.
Feelings of loneliness are worse in younger generations than in older ones, with GenerationZers, ages 18-22, and Millennials (ages 23 to 37) reporting higher feelings of loneliness and isolation on the Loneliness Scale than older generations.
Gen Zers, scored a loneliness rate of 48.3 out of 80, making them the loneliest generation.
Millennials were close behind with a score of 45.3, followed by Generation X (ages 38 to 51) with a loneliness score of 45.1. The so-called Greatest Generation, those age 72 or over, ranked as the least lonely, with a score of 38.6.