Chris Van Dorn is no stranger to a dark night.
As the Caped Crusader, Chris Van Dorn visits a local shelter looking for animals in need. (Photo: Batman4Paws)
His dad died this year — on Mother's Day. His mom is in a nursing home, living with a rare neurological disorder.
So the 27-year-old lives alone in the family's Orlando, Florida, home.
But he has an unlikely connection with someone else whose life was touched by tragedy: his favorite superhero.
After losing his parents, Bruce Wayne donned a mask and became the legendary Batman.
Animals just seem to trust this Caped Crusader. (Photo: Batman4Paws)
Van Dorn dons the same cape and mask — but he's a knight in powder-coated latex for another kind of victim.
With his pilot's license, Batman can really go the distance for animals. (Photo: Batman4Paws/GoFundMe)
He saves animals in distress.
"Everybody just really likes the Dark Knight," Van Dorn tells MNN. "I thought that would be the perfect way to embody what I want my nonprofit to be. To do good deeds. To spread positive vibes, bring joy to people and rescue as many animals as I can."
It doesn't take long for Batman to bond with the animals he rescues. (Photo: Batman4Paws)