In the past couple of years, our homes have become a key battleground in the fight for gender equality. Who plans the dinners? Folds the laundry? Schedules the doctor's appointments? Probably mom. Who's not particularly happy with this situation? Probably mom.
Even as women have taken on more work outside their home, they're still doing the bulk of household chores and childcare at home. Dads, to be fair, are putting in more time than their dads. They do roughly three times as much childcare, and more than two times as much housework as fathers in 1965.
But at the end of a long day — breakfast, drop-off, work, dinner, cleaning, bedtime — few women have much interest in contemplating generational shifts. What they want is a partner who knows that the soccer jersey needs to be washed before tomorrow's game, and they want a partner who knows that now, without being told.
Why don't men help more around the house? In many cases, laziness plays a role. Why worry about soccer jerseys when you know someone else will do it? But to focus only on the lazy factor is to miss the widespread, and deeply entrenched, cultural and structural forces that are behind gender inequality at home.
Complaining about the unwashed soccer jerseys is a reasonable response to this imbalance, but it's not likely to incite much change. The fix needs to be bigger and strategic. Couples need to understand how they ended up in this situation and then coolly, and collaboratively, find their way out.
Take history into consideration
For much of human history, men and women were both heavily involved in the running of the home and family business, explains Stephanie Coontz, director of research at the Council on Contemporary Families and author of "The Way We Never Were: American Families And The Nostalgia Trap." Don't confuse this for gender equality: Broadly speaking, men still had authority over women.
It's just that men didn't get this authority because they earned money outside the home, while women tended, wage-free, to the kids and the cleaning. Instead, men got their power from hierarchical social institutions, such as religion.
Before the 19th century, fathers tended to be heavily involved with domestic activities like feeding the wood stoves, carrying water, teaching their children to read, and maintaining ties to extended family and neighbors.
In other words, they did a lot of what we today consider "emotional labor." Meanwhile, women were often in charge of the financial and marketing side of their family business, which was often agricultural.
Then waged labor outside the house became the norm and fathers were the ones more likely to take these jobs. Women, the breastfeeders and baby gestators, were seen as better off staying at home and, with time, all things domestic began to be seen as feminine.
Moms took over the job of educating children, maintaining social relations, and making sure the home stayed clean and everyone was fed.
"Around the early 19th century, men took on this special role as providers and protectors, and with that came a whole ideology. Men began to embrace a masculine identity that was based on not doing women's work," Coontz said.
"Women also began to embrace a new identity: We are the family expert. We know how to raise kids. We know how to change diapers.