Dieting can mess up the body's connection to hunger cues. In fact, chronic dieting can often end up complicating our relationship with food more than it helps us reach a desired weight.
Research suggests that the vast majority of people who lose weight on restrictive eating plans, especially ones that are unsustainable, end up gaining it back.
Enter intuitive eating, a simple practice that's meant to help people make peace with food. Here's how it works: When you're hungry, you eat what sounds good to you. When you're full, you stop.
To be clear, intuitive eating is not about weight loss. But there's evidence that eating intuitively can improve self-esteem and body image and have other health benefits. And early research suggests that eating intuitively can help people who struggle with disordered eating.
NPR Life Kit host and senior science and health editor Maria Godoy talks intuitive eating with Judith Matz, a clinical social worker with a focus on helping her clients make peace with food.
This interview has been edited for length and clarity.
Intuitive eating sounds so obvious — eat when you're hungry. Is that really the trick?
We actually come into this world born knowing how to eat. Babies eat when they're hungry. And they turn away from the breast or the bottle when they're full, but so many things can interfere with that knowledge.
Intuitive eating is about reconnecting with signals for hunger and signals for fullness and choosing from a wide variety of foods, so that we're eating the foods that both support our bodies and make us feel satisfied.
Some people imagine an all-potato-chip diet when they hear about this approach. Does that happen?
I've never met anybody, when they listen to their body, who only wants those kinds of foods — the pizza and cookies and cake and candy and ice cream — just like I've never met anybody who only wants veggies and salads and fruit. Our bodies really like variety.
How do you learn to listen to and trust your body?
The first step is to pay attention and check in and notice if you're physically hungry. And a lot of times, I find that people really aren't sure what that feels like because they've gotten so used to eating by the clock or eating when their diet tells them to. So you want to check in with your stomach and look for a empty feeling that tells you that you're hungry.
When I ask people, "How do you know if you're physically hungry?" They'll tell me things like they get a headache. They get crabby, irritable, fatigue, low energy. And all of those signs are that they waited too long. The problem is that when you wait too long to eat and get too hungry, you feel desperate. You'll eat anything, and you're likely to eat more of it than your body needs.
OK. So intuitive eating can help you reframe your relationship with food and your body. Here's a quick review of the five takeaways of eating intuitively:
1.Learn how it feels when you're hungry, but don't wait until you're too hungry.
2.Think about what food would make you feel satisfied.
3.When you're deciding how much to eat, trust your body to let you know when it's full.
4.Depriving yourself of foods you love can be counterproductive.
5.Intuitive eating is flexible, so don't worry if you mess up.