Yes, it's a Christmas commercial. It's also a big nod to the music of the '80s, and it might just put a smile on your face — especially if you're a fan of Simple Minds and their hit, "Don't You Forget About Me."
When a dad comes across the drum set his daughter has circled in the holiday catalogue, it launches a dream of his own and comes full circle, when he and his daughter — played by Nandi Bushell, a real-life drumming protege — rock out in front of an imaginary crowd, complete with a crowdsurfing Teddy bear. The dad is played by Omar Abidi, who's also an accomplished drummer in real life.
Ben Bolton
The ad is from Argos, a British catalogue retailer, and it's one of the first "big" holiday ads of the season.
So, while we aren't suggesting you go out and buy a drum set, this isn't a bad time to harness the power of your imagination.