No sense of personal sovereignty.
We are expected from birth to listen to and obey the wishes of others. A stimuli that most of us grow up with and the effects of which culminate over time. Ultimately, we lose any sense of personal sovereignty and inner guidance; and thus, we believe that someone else always has the - more correct way - or knows better than we do.
We discount our own intuition and mistrust ourselves as a result of this learned response. Subsequently, this becomes a filter for how we view the world, and for how we view ourselves in the world.
We come to rely on the opinions of others for validation, because we expect that everyone else knows better than we do. And the more we get validation from others, the more we seek it. It becomes an addiction. When we are validated by someone else, it triggers our psycho-biological reward system releasing dopamine into the brain. We feel good. We feel accepted. We want more of that feeling.
The rub is because we do not validate ourselves, we rarely get the validation we want from others. Or worse, we restructure our lives and the way we live in order to garner as much attention as possible. Our identity becomes lost in the quest for external validation.
If we would just validate, trust and know ourselves this cycle could be broken.