Workplace burnout doesn't just happen to people who put in long hours at the office. It's also a threat to the millions of people working from home.
Burnout happens when you face elevated levels of stress over a long period of time. It can affect both your mental and physical health.
With so many workers suddenly working from home and juggling multiple responsibilities, they could be more prone to burnout.
These are the risk factors:
Boundaries disappear
A lack of work-life balance is a big contributor to burnout. And working from home can make it even harder to achieve that balance.
Leaving the office every day and commuting home is a forced boundary that helps separate your work from your personal life. While losing the commute when you work from home can be seen as a major perk, it also means there is no barrier between work and home.
If you never really shut down your computer or walk away from your work, it's easy to just continue working into the evening or over the weekends.
"What happens to most people when they are working from home is they often work more hours," said Ben Fanning, author of "The Quit Alternative: The Blueprint for Creating the Job You Love Without Quitting."
To combat working around the clock, you have to establish clear boundaries. Create a cut off time for when you will stop working, with boundaries like not working at night or on the weekends to clearly define your free time. It also helps to make non-work time feel different, like changing into more comfortable clothes, to signal a break from work.
"Institute other types of physical boundaries through routines, like exercising before beginning or ending work, or during your 'lunch break,' taking regular coffee breaks in a different location in your home, and chatting with a friend or watching a video during that time," she added.
A lack of control
Employees who feel that they lack control over their schedules, interactions and time management are at risk of burning out.
And given all the uncertainty right now, everything can seem up in the air.
Creating a schedule that designates work, family and free time can help you regain a sense of control.
The stress of wanting to be the 'perfect worker'
There was an obsession with being the "ideal worker" that people are always online and never turns down a project.
Missing social connections
Working from home can be isolating, even when you're in a house full of people.
Having colleagues at work to turn to with a problem or to provide some relief when things get stressful helps mitigate burnout. When you don't have that built-in support network at home, it can feel very isolating.
Maintaining these social interactions takes more effort when working from home. Be deliberate about reaching out, setting up phone or video meetings to help continue to foster your relationships.