When schools began to close in March due to the escalating Covid-19 crisis, it became clear to Crystal Bobb-Semple, founder and CEO of the company that operates Camp Half-Blood, that she needed to start devising new scenarios.
The summer camp might consolidate weeks, delay starts or maybe go online.
"We began to think about and imagine what a virtual camp experience could look like," she said.
Like so many institutions, summer camps are facing uncertainty about whether they'll open and how they'll reinvent themselves if they do. Many are making contingency plans — sometimes several sets of them.
"Camp should not and will not look as usual this summer," said Paul Dreyer, CEO of Colorado-based Avid4 Adventure camps, which traditionally hosts both sleepaway and day camps.
Together, 6 feet apart
Those considerations were already well underway for most camps. The conundrum is social distancing. How can kids packed in groups singing, playing and, for sleepaway camps, tucked into cabins stay 6 feet apart?
Avid4 Adventure's staff spent the last five weeks furiously reimagining day camp.
Taking camp online
"Our last option is to keep kids inside," Dreyer said. But he knows that some kids or their parents are in high-risk groups or can't travel.
The American Diabetes Association, which hosts 6,000-plus kids with Type 1 diabetes in 55 summer camps across the US annually.
Making camp safe for everyone, rich and poor
Though few kids have had serious complications from Covid-19, some counselors and camp directors are older and in higher-risk groups. If sleepaway camps can regularly screen kids and staff, they may become some of the safest spaces.
But wealthier camps may be better able to access and provide testing. "For smaller and nonprofit camps, costs like testing can become prohibitive," Hall said.
Camps also need to have the resources to set up an isolation tent, should an outbreak occur, Hall said.
Camp is where the heart is
Camp is, for many parents, childcare — it will be an incredible challenge for parents to work with kids. Some camps for kids with physical or emotional challenges are the only respite their caregivers get all year.
Trying to transform an online experience into something inclusive and emotional is challenging. Camp Equinox, like many camps, draws some kids who feel like outcasts during the year, but feel safe and supported at camp.
"That's the mission of our camp, to instill in these kids a sense of community so they're working together and supporting each other," Kisiel said. "I can't imagine delivering that online." Though he's willing to try.