In parts of southwestern Virginia, North Carolina and West Virginia, it's nearly time for a brood of the insects to emerge for their once-in-17-year mating season. As many as 1.5 million cicadas could emerge per acre. And did we mention the bugs are known for their distinct — and overwhelming — chirping?
"Communities and farms with large numbers of cicadas emerging at once may have a substantial noise issue," predicts Eric Day of Virginia Tech's department of entomology. He tells Virginia Tech Daily, "Hopefully, any annoyance at the disturbance is tempered by just how infrequent — and amazing — this event is."
Periodical cicadas — unlike annual cicadas — emerge every 13 or 17 years, depending on the species. Brood IX, as this grouping is dubbed, last emerged in 2003.
Virginia Tech Daily notes that the 13-year or 17-year timing of cicada breeding cycles is still something of a mystery.
The insects spend a majority of their lives underground, in an immature "nymph" state.
Their timing isn't always exact. Some periodical cicadas have been seen years early; climate change may be a cause. Once they're done, they die within a few weeks.