The weather in the summer is very hot, that's why accidents caused by heat stroke are very likely to occur, so it is necessary to know about this condition.
Prolonged heat exposure can cause heat stroke. Heat stroke is a sudden illness. If not detected and managed in time, it can leave serious complications, even sudden death.
The causes of heat stroke
Heat stroke is a condition of excessive body temperature (above 40 C) and occurs suddenly mainly due to exposure to excessive outdoor temperatures over a long period of time, while the body has not been able to adapt to leading out. sweat leads to dehydration, electrolytes damage the central nervous system (thermodynamic) control system.
Heat stroke is often found in hard-working people: exercise, sports, football athletes, runner, workers who work in the hot weather for a long time. When overworked, our body produces a large amount of heat, and sweat is released to cool the body. However, when heat stroke occurs, the body's temperature control center can be disturbed, so a cooling mechanism does not occur. Just like that, the body's temperature continues to rise and puts the victim in a dangerous situation.
Heat stroke if not treated promptly can cause brain, heart, kidney and rhabdomyolysis damage. In addition, heat stroke can be caused by wearing a lot of clothes or a shirt that does not sweat while going out in the sun. Because many layers of cloth make it difficult for sweat to escape, soaking into the body makes it difficult to cool quickly.
In addition, heat stroke can occur in people who drink alcohol because it can affect the ability to adjust the body's temperature, especially when drinking alcohol goes out in the hot sun. heat stroke can also occur because the body is dehydrated by sweating. Some of the factors that are prone to heat stroke are high outdoor temperatures and humidity, or are common in people with heart disease, hypertension or skin disorders or cancer.
Signs of a heat stroke
Heat stroke often presents initially with mild heat-related disorders like cramps, thirst, and dizziness. But heat stroke can also occur even without signs of heat damage. When more severe, people with heat stroke often confused, worried, stuttering, irritability, delirium, convulsions and if severe can coma. Some of the accompanying symptoms of heat stroke include migraine, shortness of breath, nausea or vomiting, hot flushes.
Severe symptoms of heat stroke can include severe fever, fainting (heat exhaustion) and severe nervous system disorders such as delirium, respiratory disorders such as rapid breathing, and cardiovascular disorders. A victim's body temperature greater than or equal to 40 C is a major sign of heat stroke.
What to do when a person has a heat stroke?
When a person suspected of having a heat stroke is found to quickly cool the victim's body by bringing the victim into a cool, shaded place or indoors, immediately remove any excess clothing from the victim.
At the same time, the person must be cooled by any available means such as: spraying cool water, soaking in cool water, dipping a towel in cool water to wipe the victim, placing an ice pack, cold towel on the head, neck, armpits and groin patients.
Prevention of heat stroke
In hot weather, to limit heat shock, especially children, the elderly, people with cardiovascular disease, hypertension, chronic diseases should be limited to the street. If you have to go out in the sun when it's hot and hot, you need to wear a wide-brimmed hat or a hat, thin cotton clothes, sunglasses and a face mask to protect yourself from the sun. People who are workers, athletes, football players ... should limit long-term work in hot, humid environments.
People working in hot weather should not wear many clothes, preferably thin, airy clothes. Need to drink enough water (not to be thirsty). If possible, outdoor workers, dehydrated should drink lemon water, juice, water mixed with a little salt. However, do not drink too much ice or too cold water which can cause sore throat. Avoid exercising and walking at hot times.