So far in this series, we've set the foundation for establishing a sustainable exercise habit, mastered how to move properly and learned how to use free weights to increase strength and boost our metabolism.
Now, we'll get our bodies moving faster with cardiovascular exercise.
For many people, the idea of cardiovascular exercise, otherwise known as "cardio", brings to mind sweat-drenched people in a group fitness class or running on treadmills. While those visions are accurate examples, cardio actually encompasses a lot more exercise options, which we'll cover below.
First, let's gain a basic understanding of what cardio is and why it's important as part of a well-rounded workout routine.
What is cardio?
Cardio is generally considered any exercise that does all of the following:
• employs large muscle groups, like your legs, in compound (multi-joint) movements
• increases demand on respiratory system, increasing breathing rate
• raises and sustains heightened heart rate throughout exercise
Why is cardio important?
There tends to be an automatic assumption that cardio is strictly a "weight-loss" exercise. Although cardio is definitely a calorie burner, unlike strength training, it doesn't have the same lasting metabolic impact.
Cardio only burns calories during the exercise and for a short time afterward, as opposed to strength training's ability to build muscle that increases the body's overall energy needs over the long term. That's why it's important to include both cardio and strength training in your workout program — especially if weight loss is a goal.
Adding cardio to your workout
To realize all the benefits of regular cardio, you need to engage in 30 or more minutes of aerobic exercise at least three times per week. Again, this should be in conjunction with weight training. I recommend alternating to avoid burning yourself out.
If you're a beginner, start slowly. Initially, you might only be able to do five or 10 minutes at a time. Gradually add five minutes to each session.
Because cardio makes you sweat, it's important to stay hydrated. You might want to consider an enriched drink to help replace the electrolytes and salt you lose when sweating. I'm not a proponent of sugary sports drinks with artificial colors and flavors; instead, consider one of the many electrolyte-enriched water brands available as healthier alternatives.
Choosing cardio that works for you
With so many options, there's no reason to force yourself to do cardio you don't enjoy. Select an exercise modality or modalities that you like that fit into your lifestyle.
Brisk walking: By kicking up your pace a bit to ensure you break a sweat and increasing your walk to 30 minutes, you can easily count it as cardiovascular exercise. In fact, if fat loss is a goal, brisk walking is one of the most accessible and effective fat-burning exercises.
Running:Running several times per week at a moderate pace and distance can actually increase muscle mass and bone density.
Swimming: Swimming is one of the best total-body, non-impact cardio exercises available without a machine.