Look, we've all been there. You fall in love with a plant at the store. You bring it home. You find a cute spot for it on your bookshelf. Then, after a few weeks, that lush, beautiful plant you picked out is ... suddenly on its last leaf.
Here are six tips to help your plant live its best life:
1. Adjust the light
The first thing you need to do is figure out the type of lighting you have.
Different light intensities are described as low, medium and bright. This can depend on a bunch of different factors, including the time of year and the direction your windows face. (In the US, south-facing windows will have the strongest light, while north-facing windows will get the weakest.)
Direct vs. indirect light
If there's a straight line from the sun to your plant, that's direct light. Indirect light is diffused by something such as clouds, curtains or trees outside your window. Plants such as succulents and cactuses will appreciate some direct light, but be careful about burning the leaves on more tropical types.
2. Choose the soil and the pot
You'll also need to choose the proper pot and soil mix for your specific plant.
It starts with soil
"Plants need a balance of water, air and nutrients in order to do their best," says Kirsten Conrad, an agriculture natural resource agent with the Virginia Cooperative Extension. "A good soil mix is going to have pores that maintain good spaces for air to get into." Most ready-made soil mixes at the store are just fine.
Picking a pot
The right pot can also help with drainage. When you bring a new plant home, give it at least a month to settle in before you repot it. When it is time for a new container, make sure it has a drainage hole in the bottom.
3. Ditch that strict watering schedule
Overwatering is one of the most common ways people kill their houseplants. So, how do you know when to give it a drink?
One of the simplest ways is the finger test. Stick your index finger (or a wooden chopstick) a couple inches into the soil and feel if it's still moist. Different houseplants have different needs, but a general guideline is to water when the top 2 inches of soil are dry. You could also buy a moisture meter online or at a local garden center.
4. Give your plant a name
It doesn't have to be super original, The point is to feel attached to your plant.
You may also notice all that time with your plants — watering, trimming, dusting off their leaves — can feel pretty nice for you, too.
5. Be a proactive plant parent
The more you look at your plants, the faster you'll catch any issues.
There are a few common pests to watch out for. Spider mites are these tiny arachnids that leave thin webbing on the undersides of leaves. Mealybugs are white, cottony-looking insects. You may also run into scale, thrips or aphids — all of which feed on your plant and can do serious damage if left unchecked.
6. No one has a green thumb
One last bit of advice: There is no such thing as a green thumb. Taking care of plants isn't some innate talent. It's a skill you learn.
"People who consider themselves having green thumbs are people who understand the work that needs to be done to take care of a plant," Carter says.