"Traditional Chinese exercises are a low-risk, promisingintervention that could be helpful in improving quality of life in patients with cardiovasculardiseases -- the leading cause of disability and death in the world," study author Yu Liu, dean of theSchool of Kinesiology at Shanghai University of Sport in China, said in a statement.
"But the physical and psychological benefits to these patients of this increasingly popular form ofexercise must be determined based on scientific evidence."
In the new study, the researchers reviewed 35 research articles, which included 2,249cardiovascular disease patients from 10 countries.
They found Chinese exercises helped reduce the participants’ systolic blood pressure, the topnumber, by more than 9.12 mmHg, and diastolic blood pressure, the bottom number, by morethan 5 mmHg on average.
The study also revealed small, but statistically significant drops in the levels of bad cholesterol, orlow-density lipoprotein, and triglycerides.
Chinese exercises also seemed to improve quality of life and reduce depression in patients withcardiovascular disease, they said.
"Our systematic review results showed that TCE (traditional Chinese exercises) should be useful forpatients with CVD (cardiovascular disease)," the researchers wrote in their paper.
However, traditional Chinese exercises did not significantly improve participant’s heart rate, aerobicfitness level or scores on a general health questionnaire.
The review only analyzed studies which randomly assigned participants to groups performingtraditional Chinese exercises, most commonly Tai Chi, Qigong and Baduanjin, engaging in anotherform of exercise or making no change in activity level.
Next, Liu and his team planned to conduct new randomized controlled trials to confirm the effectof different types of traditional Chinese exercises on chronic diseases.