Hungarian police say two more bodies have been recovered from the Danube River tour boat crash, raising the death toll to 15, with 13 of the 33 South Koreans on board and the two Hungarian crew members still missing.
Seven South Korean tourists were rescued after the May 29 collision between the Hableany (Mermaid) sightseeing boat and the Viking Sigyn river cruise ship.
A huge floating crane may be able to lift the Hableany out of the water in the coming days.
However, the Adam Clark, named after the Scottish engineer who oversaw construction of Budapest’s Chain Bridge completed in 1849, was docked Thursday in north Budapest, as the Danube’s high water level is not allowing it to reach the site of the wreckage, near the Hungarian Parliament building.
以蘇格蘭工程師亞當·克拉克(Adam Clark)命名的亞當·克拉克號起重機(Adam Clark),曾在1849年完工的布達佩斯吊橋施工中表現出色。由于多瑙河的水位過高,它不能到達匈牙利國會大廈附近的殘骸現場,本周四??吭诓歼_佩斯北部。