Consumer fireworks sales have soared amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Extravagant firework displays have long been a staple of the Fourth of July holiday, but this year many of the larger displays in cities across America are now canceled due to the pandemic. This has many Americans turning toward consumer fireworks to get their patriotic fix. But they can be dangerous in the wrong hands.
A shopper wearing a face mask, browses for fireworks at Wild Willy's Fireworks tent in Omaha, Neb.
Last year, more than 7,000 people reported injuries related to fireworks around the Fourth of July period, according to the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission. And this year, sales are way up.
"They're not toys and so oftentimes we see hands and fingers blown off because people aren't respecting the device they're working with," said Dana Baiocco, commissioner of the US CPSC.
People were more likely to hurt their hands and fingers than any other part of their body, which could be caused by holding the firework too long after it's ignited, according to Baiocco.
Surging sales
Consumer firework sales have doubled or tripled in the past month for some retailers compared to last year's numbers, according to Heckman. She said it's mostly likely due to the pandemic.
"We still can't go to the movie theater or any concerts or festivals," Heckman said. "Fireworks are affordable family fun."
John Sorgi, owner of American Fireworks, said his company has seen sales of consumer fireworks increase by 30% compared to this time last year. The fireworks company is headquartered in Ohio and has both brick-and-mortar stores and an online shopping website.
Knowing the law
Ohio is one of the states where it's legal to purchase fireworks but not set them off, Sorgi said. Years ago, he said customers had to fill out a form acknowledging this law when purchasing from his store, but now it's just printed on all the receipts.
"It's one of those weird industries where there's just no federal regulations nationwide, it's just really state-by-state," Sorgi said.
Because the laws differ so drastically, it is important to research what the local laws say, Heckman said. The APA has a state-by-state guide on its website that summarizes the laws for each state, but it could also differ by county or city.