The meanest2 principal3 in the world was worried that his private4 school would close because of lack of5 students. One day the principal called in his assistant and demanded that he go out and recruit more students or be fired.
The next day five new students signed up6. The day after that another ten signed up. Within a week the enrollment was sky high.
Pulling his assistant aside one day, the principal asked, "How did you get so many new students to sign up?"
It was easy, replied the assistant. "I just started a rumor7 that you were quitting8."
1. recruitment 招生
2. mean 吝嗇的
3. principal 校長
4. private 私人的
5. lack of 缺乏
6. sign up 報名,簽名
7. rumor 謠言
8. quit 放棄,辭職
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全英共有約2500所獨立學?;蛩搅W校(Independent Schools),遍布在英國各地。這些學校有時被稱為“收費學校”(Fee-paying),因為相對英國公立學校對本國學生不收學費而言,私立學校無論是對本國還是國際學生都收取同樣的學費。