《無題·颯颯東風細雨來》 李商隱
To One Unnamed
Li Shangyin
A rustling eastern wind comes with a drizzling rain.
Beyond Hibiscus Pond rolling wheels faintly thunder.
Incense can drift through golden toad on lock and chain,
The tiger winch of jade can draw up water under.
Lady Jia(1) peeped at a handsome youth from her bower;
Princess Mi(2) left in vain her cushion to Prince of fame.
My desire cannot bloom and vie with the spring flower,
For inch by inch my heart is consumed by the flame.
1. Lady Jia, the younger daughter of Jia Chong, a premier of the Jin dynasty. It is said that she fell in love with Han Shou, her father's young secretary.
2. Princess Mi, a spirit of Luo River. Cao Zhi, Prince of Wei, wrote a famous poem to show his love and admiration for her.