《廣陵別薛八》 是唐朝著名文學家孟浩然的代表作品之一。此詩是我國唐代山水田園詩人孟浩然在廣陵送別好友時所寫,前兩句寫作者不得志,在廣陵與好友相遇,后兩句描寫了送別時的自然環(huán)境和社會環(huán)境,同時也表達了作者送別好友時的傷感之情,屬于一首送別詩。
《廣陵別薛八》 孟浩然
Seeing Off the Eighth Son of the Hsüe Clan at Kuang-ling
Meng Haoran
There is a man who hasn’t reached his goal,
And moves from perch to perch between Wu and Ch’u.
Our meeting at Kuang-ling is over,
The boat goes back to Lake P’eng-li.
The mast moves out from the trees by the river,
The waves join the mountains above the sea.
The wind-driven sail will be far off tomorrow,
Where will we catch up with each other again.