A person who was born in the state of Yan grew up in the state of Chu. When he was old, he planned to go back to the state of Yan. Passing the state of Jin, the people who went along with him pointedto the cities and shrinesand cheated him by telling him those were the cities and temples of the state of Yan. Upon hearing this, he became gloomyand sad and kept sighing. When other people told him that the house was the one that his ancestors had lived in, his tears went down. When he was told that the tombs were his ancestors', he couldn't help weeping. They had made enough fun of him. They told him with a laugh that they had been lying to him, and that he was in the state of Jin. Hearing this, the Yan person felt ashamed. When he finally arrived in the state of Yan and truly saw the cities and temples and his ancestors' house and tombs, he had only very few sentimentalfeelings left. 一個燕國人生長燕國,但他卻在楚國長大。 他年老后準備回燕國去。過晉國時,同行的人指著晉國的城池和土地廟,騙他說這就是燕國的城池和土地廟,他的臉色頓時顯得凄愴悲涼,并不停地浩然長嘆。當別人告訴他這房子是他祖先居住的房子,他就淚下縱橫。得知一座墳塋是祖先的墓地,他禁不住放聲大哭。同路人戲弄夠了,哈哈大笑地說是騙他的,這里不過是晉國,燕人聽了十分羞愧。 到了燕國后,他真正看到了燕國的城池、土地祠、先輩的房子和墳墓,已經沒有多少傷感的心情了。以上就是英語故事:燕人歸國的全部內容,如果你有其他喜歡的英語故事,歡迎推薦給小編哦!