Typically taught during the elementary school years, cursive writing builds on the letter formation of block letters or printing. The pencil doesn’t leave the paper in cursive writing and letters flow together.
Find and download practice sheets from the internet. Study the cursive alphabet and examine how each letter is formed.
Practice writing each letter of the alphabet. Write the letters over and over until they look like the letters on your practice sheets
Write your name in cursive, which is your signature. Practice copying short sentences from a book, until you can form the letters without thinking.
Proceed to writing full paragraphs. Be sure to incorporate the more uncommon letters, such as the capital Q, X, Z, and F, in your writings in order to master them.
Keep practicing your cursive writing until it’s second nature.
1、 download 下載
例句:Where can you download free movies?
2、 cursive [ 'kə:siv ] n. 草書(shū)原稿;草書(shū) adj. 草書(shū)體的;草書(shū)的
例句:Uses progressive method to learn writing block letters and cursive letters.
3、 signature [ 'signətʃə ] n. 署名,簽名,信號(hào)
例句:Please sign it under signature.
Is that signature in your handwriting?