STEP 1 Eat whole foods 吃天然食品
Eat natural whole foods such as meat, fresh fruit and vegetables, and whole grains without added sugar.
STEP 2 Go half and half 對半分
Mix a half serving of regular variety foods or beverages with a half serving of low-sugar options. For instance, add a half cup sweetened yogurt to a half cup plain yogurt. Enjoy a half cup regular juice with a half cup seltzer water. Next, switch to a one-quarter sweetened, three-quarters unsweetened concoction until you've phased out the sugar.
STEP 3 Avoid sugar traps 避免陷入糖的陷阱
Avoid regular sodas and most breakfast cereals, both of which are chock-full of sugar. Read labels on salad dressings and condiments, and avoid those whose main ingredient is high fructose corn syrup.
Be wary of sugar substitutes -- while they replace sugar in baked goods and sodas, there is evidence that they can cause other health problems.
STEP 4 Enjoy desserts sparingly 少吃點甜品
Make up your own rules about when you can indulge in sweet desserts. Perhaps you do so only on the weekends, or only when dining out.
Serve up fresh fruit or cheese as a dessert substitute. While fruit is high in sugar, it beats chocolate cake and ice cream as a healthful option.
STEP 5 Add more protein 增加蛋白質
Fill up on snacks high in protein, like nuts or beef jerky to head off a sugar craving. Remember, the less you fill up on sugar, the less sugar you will crave.
As of 2007, in adults aged 20 to 74, diabetes was the #1 cause of new cases of blindness.