Chapter 5
“Avengers. . . Assemble!” shouted Falcon as he, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Quicksilver, the Scarlet Witch, and Vision gathered in front of Horizon Labs. He'd always wanted to be the one to shout that famous Avengers catchphrase, but under these circumstances it just wasn't as cool as he'd hoped it'd be.
“Scans are useless,” reported Vision as he attempted to use his enhanced eyesight to see inside the building. “There's something blocking me.”
“Well, I guess we know where they went in,” said Hawkeye, checking out a massive breach in the side of the building.
“But that's not how they're going to come out,” shouted Quicksilver as he slipped toward the building at super speed.
“Quicksilver, wait!” Falcon shouted after the fleet-footed Avenger, but it was too late. Moving at almost the speed of sound, Quicksilver was already inside the building.
“Doesn't your brother know not to run off on his own during a team mission?” Black Widow demanded of the Scarlet Witch. “If he were a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, he'd be brought up on charges for taking off like that while under orders.”
“Don't start quoting S.H.I.E.L.D. regulations to me,” the Scarlet Witch said, bristling. “Where we grew up there were no ‘rules of engagement’. . .There was only survival.”
Black Widow took a step toward Scarlet Witch, but before she could argue, Falcon stepped between the two.
“Avengers! Stop focusing on each other! The real enemy is inside, and he's not—” But before Falcon could finish, there was a loud crash, followed by Quicksilver's body flying through one of the lab's front windows and landing hard on the pavement at their feet.
“Pietro! Are you okay?” shouted the Scarlet Witch as she dropped to her brother's side.
“He is okay but unconscious,” reported Vision, scanning Quicksilver's body.
Suddenly a hail of laser-fire from inside the building sprayed around the Avengers, causing all the heroes to scatter and dive for cover.
Out of the building burst a half dozen identical Ultron units, robot soldiers that Ultron controlled and operated by remote.
“Ah, humanity's so-called heroes. . .How pathetic,” laughed Ultron as he emerged from the building behind his troops. With him were a few more units, all carrying boxes marked “Vibranium.” Ultron continued his rant. “Don't you know by now that humanity is long since outdated? An update is coming!”
As soon as Falcon saw the boxes of Vibranium, he realized Ultron's plan. Vibranium was an extremely rare metal found in the African nation of Wakanda. Cap's shield was mostly made out of Vibranium, because the metal was able to absorb any vibrations or energy directed at it. If Ultron managed to coat his robot army with a skin of this rare metal, it would be practically indestructible. Nothing could stop it from marching across the face of the country, and eventually the world!
“Avengers, we can't let Ultron get away with those boxes,” shouted Falcon to the other heroes. “Time to get on the defensive!”
Following Falcon's lead, the Avengers jumped into action. Widow bounced and leapt, getting behind the line of Ultron units, and unleashed intense fire from her wrist-mounted stinger weapons.
Nearby, Hawkeye fired off a series of trick arrows—explosive arrows, net arrows, oil-slick arrows—throwing everything he had at the robots!
At the same time, Vision confronted one of the troops, wrestling it and blasting it with his eye blasts.
Falcon took to the air, swooping in and firing from above. His maneuvers drew the attention of a few of the troops, letting the Scarlet Witch get close to Ultron unchallenged, where she loosed magical fire that burst around the maniacal villain!
I think we got this , Falcon thought, watching his team take down the bad guys and realizing that Cap would be proud of their performance.
But seconds later, everything went wrong!
Hawkeye, having just brought down two of Ultron's robot troops, turned and fired an ice arrow at Ultron. But at the same moment, one of the Scarlet Witch's beams blasted across the field of fire, bouncing Hawkeye's arrow back toward him! Seeing this, Widow jumped forward, attempting to shoot the arrow out of the sky, but instead she fired too soon and hit the Scarlet Witch. The Scarlet Witch shouted in pain and fell on the ground. Vision broke off from his fight to run to the Scarlet Witch's side.
At that moment, Hawkeye's ricocheting arrow came right at him and popped, covering him with an instant-freeze fluid that encased him in a shell of ice!
“Excellent!” shouted Ultron as he grabbed the frozen Hawkeye and lifted him up. “You bumbling excuses for Avengers do my work for me. This Avenger is an added prize that I didn't expect to win! Thank you, all.”
Ultron and the robot units carrying the Vibranium suddenly blasted into the sky with boot-jets. Falcon tried to fly after them, but there were too many units firing at him, and he was forced to break off the chase.
Within seconds Ultron was gone. . . and he had both a cache of indestructible metal and one of their teammates with him.