A: Now Chris, in our last conversation you told me you come from Belgium. And I would like to know, what kind of food do you eat in Belgium?
B: What kind of food, well we eat all kinds of food. I mean there's no restrictions or anything. We have our fish, our meat, our wines, our fruits, our veggies, we eat all kinds of food.
A: Yeah, I know. But I mean what is popular about Belgium food?
B: Well if you talk about gastronomy, it's a bit different in Belgium as I think it is in Spain. I mean in Belgium we really enjoy the tables. We don't go out for dinner that often but when we go out we stay on a table for four hours. I mean it starts with little entrants, then it's maybe a soup, then it's the main dish, then it's still an ice-cream or something. I mean it takes long so we really enjoy eating and it goes slow. For example, at Christmas, for Christmas we meet at maybe 5:30, 6 o'clock and then we start already with aperitifs and it goes all night long, I think we eat from 6 o'clock in the afternoon till 12 o'clock at night.
A: Wow! So you must be fat people there in Belgium if you eat that much.
B: Well that's why I just said, we don't do it that often, but if we do it we really enjoy it and then of course next day or next few days you see people just don't eat anything.