D: Oh! Good to have buffet, I love buffets. I like to get a taste of lot of different things. I like to nibble a little of this, and a little of that. Who wants to eat a mass of potatoes when you can also have chicken, corn and gravy and……
Y: Are you saying that if all you could eat were mash potatoes, you'll get bored with them?
D: Exactly!
Y: But don't you think you'll eat more when there is a variety of things to eat?
D: Well, maybe a little more. I don't know. What are you going in?
Y: Well, like you said, studies suggest that when we eat a variety of foods, we are less likely to get bored. But therefore we are more likely to eat more. That might contribute to the currentobesity problem in America–people like the taste of different foods and keep eating even after they've had enough. So eating meals with foods that are similar in taste, color, and shape could help you eat less.
D: That sounds terrible! I just mention I thought variety was supposed to be good for you.
Y: You are right. Research shows that eating a variety of foods is the best way to get all the nutrients we need. And food is supposed to be enjoyed, not just tolerated. So go ahead and enjoy your buffet…just be careful to take small portions. Fill your plate only as much as you would normally. Then eat slowly and savor each interesting taste!
D: 今天要出去吃自助餐了,真是太好了。我喜歡吃自助餐,我喜歡品嘗不同的美味,喜歡吃吃這個,再嘗嘗那個。吃自助餐最好的就是當(dāng)你想要吃各種花樣的土豆時還可以吃點雞肉,啃根玉米,喝幾口肉湯,還可以……
Y: 你是在說如果你只能吃土豆泥你就會覺得厭倦?
D: 沒錯!
Y: 但是你有沒有想過,如果你有更多吃的東西可以選擇,你就會吃的更多?
D: 嗯,可能會多吃那么一點點,我也不太清楚。你想說明什么呢?
Y: 呃,就像你說的一樣,有研究顯示,如果有很多吃的東西可供選擇,人們就不那么容易厭食。但是,這樣的結(jié)果就是,人們很可能吃更多的東西。這也是造成美國當(dāng)下肥胖問題的一大元兇——各種美食當(dāng)前,有時即使是吃飽了,人們還會再繼續(xù)吃。因此,吃東西的時候盡量吃色香味相近的東西有助于降低食欲,讓人少吃一些。
D: 這也太夸張了吧!我只是覺得保持飲食多樣對身體好。
Y: 這也是對的。研究表明,保證身體攝入所需營養(yǎng)的最好方法就是保持飲食的多樣性。再說了,食物是用來享受的,可不是用來忍受的。放放心心地去吃你的自助餐吧……只是要注意一點:少吃一點。你平時吃多少就吃多少就是了,盤子里不要裝得太多了。夾好菜后坐下來,細嚼慢咽,慢慢品嘗各種美味吧!