1. [詞海垂釣]從詞典中“釣”出一串同根詞吧。
① ad-
② sub-
③ tra-(trans-)
2. [同義相連]將左欄中的單詞和右欄中相對應的詞義連接起來。
① reproduction a.行為不當
② conductress b.再生產(chǎn);復制
③ overproduction c.樂隊女指揮
④ misconduct d.勸誘
⑤ inducement e.生產(chǎn)過剩
⑥ productivity f.生產(chǎn)率
3. [由此及彼]根據(jù)已知單詞的詞義推斷出其同根詞的詞義。
① productive a.多產(chǎn)的→unproductive a.
② seduce v.引誘→seducer n.
③ deduce v.推斷→deducible a.
④ reducible a.能縮減的→irreducible a.
4. [望文生義]根據(jù)所學詞根的知識推測下列單詞的詞義。
① self-education n.
② underproduction n.
③ non-conductor n.
④ semiconductor n.(提示:semi-=half)
5. [尋根問底]指出下列單詞的詞根并領(lǐng)會其詞義的由來。
① coeducation n.男女同校
② ductless a.無管的;無導管的
③ transducer n.無線電轉(zhuǎn)換器
④ inductile a.不易拉長的
⑤ conduce v.有助于;導致
⑥ educe v.推斷出;引出
6. [節(jié)外生枝] duct還可以表示“管”,“道”的意思。請查出名詞aqueduct,ventiduct,viaduct和oviduct的詞義,并從而判斷出拉丁詞根 aqu,vent,via和ov的含義。
29. equ [L]=even, equal 相等的
equal [equ=even相等的;-al a.=being有……性質(zhì)的→“being even相等的”→] a. of the even equlity, value, number, degree, etc.相等的;等值的;等量的:equal pay for equal work同工同酬
▽equality [equal;-ity n.] n.同等;平等;均等
equalize [equal;-ize v.] v.使相等;使平均
equate [equ=even相等;-ate v.=to make使……→] v. make equal;even out使相等;使平衡:to equate the debits and credits on the balance sheet使結(jié)算表中借貸雙方平衡
▽equation [equat(e);-ion n.] n.平均;相等;等式;方程式
adequate [ad-=to對;equ=equal相等;-ate a.=being有……性質(zhì)的→“being equal to the needs與需求相等的”→] a.① equal to a job, or competent勝任的:She is adequate, though not so perfect.她雖不完美,但能勝任。② equal to what is required;sufficient足夠的;充分的:The supply is not adequate to the demand.供不應求。
▽adequacy [ad-;equ;-acy n.] n.適合;足夠
equivalent [equi=equal相等的;val=value價值;-ent a.=being是……的→]Ⅰa. being equal in value, power, meaning等值的;等效的;同義的:One dollar is equivalent to one hundred cents.一元等于一百分。→Ⅱ n. equivalent thing對等物:What is the Chinese equivalent for the word“sun”? 英語“sun”在漢語中的對等詞是什么?
▽equivalency [equi;val;-ency n.] n.均等;等重;同義
equable [equ=even平穩(wěn)的;-able a.=able to be能……的→“able to be even in temper, climate, etc.在心境、環(huán)境等方面能平穩(wěn)的”→] a.①even-tempered; good-natured 平穩(wěn)的;平靜的:He has an equable disposition.他性情平穩(wěn)。②unchanging穩(wěn)定的:The temperature is equable this week.這星期氣溫沒什么變化。
▽equability [equab(le);-ility n.] n.平穩(wěn);平靜
equator [equat(e) v.使相等;-or n.=thing表示物→“line that equates等分線”→] n. the great circle of the earth which equates the distance between the poles 赤道(地球上等分經(jīng)線的緯線)
▽equatorial [equator;-ial a.] a.赤道的
equilibrium [equi=even相等的;libr=balance天平;-ium=the state表狀態(tài)→] n. state of even balance平衡狀態(tài):the equilibrium of supply and demand供求平衡
▽equilibrant [equi;libr;-ant n.] n.平衡力
equilibrist [equi;libr;-ist n.] n.使自己保持平衡的人
equilibrate [equi;libr;-ate v.] v.平衡
equivocal [equi=equal相等的;voc=voice聲音;-al a.=having有……的→“having another equal voice有另一相等聲音的”→] a. having a double meaning; purposely vague 多義的;模棱兩可的:equivocal answer模棱兩可的回答
▽equivocality [equivocal;-ity n.] n.(語言)多義性;含糊
equivocate [equi;voc;-ate v.] v.含糊其詞;支吾