1. [詞根辨識]
2. [望文生義]根據(jù)所學詞根的知識推測下列單詞的詞義。
① incompetent a.
② inappetence n.
3. [由此及彼]根據(jù)已知單詞的詞義推斷出其同根詞的詞義。
① competitor n.競爭者→competitress n.
② centrifugal a.離心的→centripetal n.
4. [尋根問底]指出下列單詞的詞根并領會其詞義的由來。
① perpetual a.永存的
② perpetuity n.永存(提示:per-=through)
70. ple(t), plen [L]=to fill;full裝滿(的)
常用詞complement,complete和plenty之間有同根關系。詞根ple來自拉丁動詞plere的不定式詞干,plet是它的過去分詞pletum的詞干,意為to fill(充滿);plen是同源的拉丁形容詞plenus的詞干部分,意為full(充滿的),因為同源近義,把它們放在一起介紹。
complement [com- = together 一起;ple = to fill 裝滿;-ment n. = the means表手段→“the means of filling together一起填滿的手段”→]Ⅰn. something that completes or makes perfect補充,補充物:Travel is an excellent complement to education.旅行能彌補學識之不足。→Ⅱv. form a complement to補足,補充:Reading and writing complement each other.讀與寫相輔相成。
▽complementary [complement;-ary n.] n.(互為)補充的
supplement [sup-(sub-)=from under自下;ple=to fill裝滿;-ment n.=the act or result表行為或結(jié)果→“the act or result of filling from under自下而上裝滿的行為或結(jié)果”→]Ⅰn. something added to complete or reinforce填補物,增補物:a supplement to an encyclopedia百科全書的補編→Ⅱv. complete or extend by a supplement增補;補充:He supplements his income by sparetime work.他靠業(yè)余打工補充收入。
▽supplementary [supplement;-ary a.] a.增補的;追加
complete [com-=together一起;plet =to fill裝滿;-e→“to fill together一起裝滿,不留余地的”→]Ⅰa.① having all parts;lacking nothing全部的;完整的:a complete set of Shakespeare's plays整套莎士比亞戲劇集② finished完成的:My homework is complete.我的作業(yè)做完了。→Ⅱv. finish完成:to complete an assignment完成任務
▽completist [complet(e) a.;-ist n.] n.求全主義者
completive [complet(e) v.;-ive a.] a.起完全作用的;完成的
deplete [de-=to undo取消;plet=to fill裝滿;-e→“to undo that of filling取消裝滿的東西”→] v. use up the supply of;decrease badly耗盡;大大減少:The drought depleted our water supply.干旱耗盡了我們的水源。
▽depletion [deplet(e);-ion n.] n.耗盡;枯竭
replete [re-=again再;plet=to fill裝滿;-e→“to fill again and again不斷裝滿的”→] a. fully supplied充滿的,充實的:a speech replete with humor幽默十足的講演
plenty [plen=fill充滿的;-ty n.=the state表狀態(tài)→“the state of being full充滿的狀態(tài)”→] n. full amount;abundance充分;豐富:resources in plenty豐富的資源
▽plentiful [plent(y);-i-;-ful a.] a.豐富的;充足的
replenish [re-=again再;plen=full充滿的;-ish v.=to make使……→] v. make full again;fill again把……再裝滿,再備足:to replenish the refrigerator with food把空冰箱再裝滿食物
▽replenisher [replenish;-er n.] n.補充物;補償物