原 文:
You don't begin to understand what they mean.
原 譯:
辨 析:
原譯錯在沒有弄清begin一詞在原句中的含義。Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English的begin詞條下單獨列有一項釋義:can't begin to understand / imagine etc spoken used to emphasize how difficult something is to understand etc.說明begin用于強調“不易”?!队⑷A大詞典》也把not begin to (do)列為短語,解釋為“決不,完全不”,如: It does not begin to meet the specification.(這完全不合規(guī)格。)可見,begin是用以強調否定的。請注意下列各句的翻譯:
(1)He can't begin to compete with you. 他根本沒法和你競爭。
(2)His statement does not begin to be comprehensive enough. 他的說法遠談不上全面。
(3)You don't begin to understand what I have suffered. 你壓根兒不理解我受了多少苦。
(4)Nothing has begun to interest her so much as folk music. 什么也比不上民間音樂那樣讓她動心。
(5)I can't begin to thank you. 真是感激不盡!
除了begin之外,(not) at all以及許多表示“微量”和“詛咒”的詞也常用于強調否定語氣。一般翻譯書上都有講解,這里不贅述。