Scientists say a genetic predisposition to perceiving the bitterness of particular substances appears to nudge us towards one beverage or the other.
Dr Marilyn Cornelis, co-author of the research from Northwestern University in Illinois, said: “The study adds to our understanding of factors determining beverage preferences – taste, in particular – and why, holding all other factors constant, we still see marked between-person differences in beverage preference as well as the amount we consume.”
這項研究來自美國伊利諾伊州的西北大學,其中的聯(lián)合作者Marilyn Cornelis博士說:“這項研究讓我們對飲料偏好的理解又深了一步,尤其是在口味方面,它同時還解釋了為什么會有這樣的差異;在所有其他變量控制不變的前提下,我們依然發(fā)現(xiàn)飲料偏好和飲用量在人與人之間有明顯的差異。”
The study, published in the Scientific Reports journal, involved two sets of data. The first was a large twin study which showed that, at least in those of European ancestry, particular genetic variants are linked to the strength of perception of different tastes:
one specific variant was associated with slightly higher ratings of bitterness for caffeine, another to greater bitterness for quinine and a third to greater bitterness for a drug known as propylthiouracil, or prop.
The team found people with a greater genetic predisposition to perceiving the bitterness of caffeine drank a little more coffee, but an increased perception of the bitterness of quinine and prop were linked to a small reduction in coffee drinking.
“While the effect of perception on your daily coffee intake might be relatively small – only a 0.15 cup per day increase – from a normal caffeine taster to a strong caffeine taster, it actually makes you 20% more likely to become a heavy drinker – drinking more than four cups per day,” said Jue Sheng Ong, first author of the research.
研究的第一作者Jue Sheng Ong說:“雖然這種感知的差異對你每天咖啡飲用量的影響比較小,重口者只比輕口者多0.15杯,但它卻讓你有20%更高的幾率成為重度飲用者;這里的重度飲用指的是一天喝咖啡超過4杯。”
The team also found that greater perception of the bitterness of prop was linked to a lower chance of being a heavy drinker of alcohol.