Sometimes, it’s easy for us to forget that social media isn’t the same as reality. But it’s incredibly important to remember that what we see on our screens can often be an altered, upgraded, and airbrushed version of what’s really out there. If we realize it’s partly an illusion, we won’t feel so bad when we compare our lives to those of seemingly ‘perfect’ Instagram models. However, some people take photo-editing several steps too far.
The “Instagram Reality” subreddit is dedicated to showing how heavily some people photoshop their pictures before putting them up on social media. Whether it’s inspired by people’s insecurity or narcissism is difficult to tell. But we collected some of the best examples of over-shopped pics from the subreddit for you to enjoy.
So scroll down, upvote your fave pics, and leave a comment below to let us know which images you thought were the most shocking, and why you think these people tend to use too much Photoshop. Also, check out Bored Panda’s previous posts about Instagram vs. Reality. Scroll down for our interview with the "Instagram Reality" moderators about their community and about the culture of excessive photoshop, and be sure to visit their subreddit as well.
所以,向下滾動,為你最喜歡的照片投票,并在下面留下評論,讓我們知道你認為哪些照片是最令人震驚的,以及為什么你認為這些人往往會使用太多的Photoshop。還有,看看Bored Panda之前發(fā)布的關于Instagram vs. Reality的帖子。向下滾動查看我們對“Instagram Reality”版主的采訪,了解他們的社區(qū)和過度ps的文化,一定要訪問他們的reddit。
#1 Yeah, No
#2 Happy Holidays!
#3 Legend
#4 A Body Builder I Have Since Unfollowed
#5 Those Abs Were Made In Ms Paint
#6 He Colored His Eyes Over His Glasses Frames
#7 Reflections Dont Lie
#8 Big Difference Between The Photos Of Her At The Event And The One On Her Instagram...
#9 Whats The Point Of Photoshopping A Starbucks Logo On Your Cup..? Had A Good Laugh Bc Of It
#10 ... She Very Obviously Was Not In This Photo Before She Photoshopped Herself In
圖片來源:Jonas Grinevi?ius