Mark Parisi is a 59-year-old cartoonist born in New England, and is the creator of his own comic series called "Off the Mark." His comics revolve around good-hearted humor, visual gags, and jokes that stem from witty observations. In these dark times, where everything may offend everyone, the comics provide people with lightness and smiles.
What makes them so attractive is their simplicity and efficiency. With just one or two panels, Mark manages to powerfully convey his keen sense of humor. And he manages to do so with various different themes, items, situations and perspectives, which goes to prove how versatile his style is.
And his viewerbase is as diverse as his comics; his 55k followers on Instagram are a testament to it. Mark has been doing it for a long while, and he has even published a few books. If you like his stuff, you can check him out on his website, or support him on Patreon. For now, enjoy his comics that we present to you today.
More info: offthemark.com | Instagram | patreon.com