在托福官方真題14Lecture1的文章中,原文提到We’ve said that the term “Cognition” refers to mental states like: knowing and believing, and to mental processes that we use to arrive at those states. So for example, reasoning is a cognitive process, so it’s perception. We use information that we perceive through our senses to help us make decisions to arrive at beliefs and so on. And then there are memory and imagination, which relate to the knowledge of things that happen in the past and may happen in the future. So perceiving, remembering, imagining are all internal mental processes that lead to knowing or believing.
經(jīng)濟學方面,最近的考試來看,作為生物、藝術以外的小學科來說,出現(xiàn)的概率也比較高。經(jīng)濟學方面,在20170701的托??荚囍锌剂艘黄恼?,大概介紹了一種預算支配方式:participatory budget。1. 介紹了其優(yōu)勢:更透明、政府官員更了解公眾需求; 2. 其實施過程中遇到的困難;3. 其效果:受益的是政府官員而不是公眾,成了政府官員公關的工具。
在托福官方真題6Lectture1 Economic class、托福官方真題26Lecture1 Advertising class、托福官方真題42Lecture2 Marketing class 中都有經(jīng)濟學內(nèi)容的體現(xiàn),包括了“boom and bust cycle”、“service recovery plan”、“brand loyalty”、“green marketing”等等經(jīng)濟學相關名詞。