Clique-stalking is the act of surreptitiously investigating a person’s friends or social media connections.
Clique-stalking happens when you fall down the rabbit hole of clicking the names tagged in distant friends’ photos, then cross-checking for other mutual friends; when you Google a stranger because you always see her commenting on your ex-boyfriend’s friends’ Instagrams; when you see a Twitter handle you don’t recognize in an @-reply, then check who else he’s been talking to.
如果你沉迷于點擊遠方的朋友的照片里標記的人名,然后反復核對你們是否有其他共同好友;如果你因為看到一個陌生女性總是點評你前男友的朋友的 Instagram照片,就開始用谷歌搜索這個陌生人;如果你看到@自己的回復中出現(xiàn)不認識的推特賬號,就會查看他還在跟誰交流,你就正在Clique- stalking。