Sand covers Ft Lauderdale Beach Blvd. after Hurricane Irma blew though Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, US, September 10, 2017. [Photo/Agencies]
The center of Hurricane Irma has made landfall on mainland Florida, just south of Naples, with winds of up to 105mph (169km/h) but has since been downgraded to a category two storm.
More than 2.5 million homes in the state are without power, and parts of the city of Miami are under water.
Three storm-related deaths have been reported in Florida.
關(guān)于風暴,我們經(jīng)常聽到3個意思相近的詞:tornado、typhoon、hurricane。Tornado即龍卷風,主要發(fā)生在陸地上。Typhoon和hurricane其實是一回事,都是熱帶氣旋,只是颶風名稱的使用多在北大西洋及東太平洋,所以我們經(jīng)常聽到美國發(fā)生颶風,如2005年著名的Hurricane Katrina(卡特里娜颶風)和2012年的Hurricane Sandy(桑迪颶風),以及這次的 Hurricane Irma(颶風“艾瑪”);而北太平洋西部使用的詞是typhoon,于是我國就習慣稱臺風。
英文中描述臺風或颶風“登陸”的表達為make landfall,而我們通常聽到的“臺風減弱為熱帶風暴”可以用weaken to tropical storm來表示,也可以像上文的例句一樣用downgrade to a category X storm(減弱為X級風暴)。
President Donald Trump has approved a major disaster declaration and emergency federal aid for Florida.
He described the hurricane as a "big monster", praising the federal agencies involved with the storm and saying he would go to the state "very soon".
"We may have been a little bit lucky in that it went on the west, and it may not have been quite as disruptive, but we're going to see, it's going to play out over the next five or six hours," Mr Trump added.
熱帶風暴和臺風其實都屬于熱帶氣旋(tropical cyclone)。
熱帶氣旋中心附近最大平均風力小于8級,即風速小于17.2米每秒,為熱帶低壓(tropical depression);
最大風力在8-9級,風速在17.2米/秒-24.4米/秒的稱為熱帶風暴(tropical storm);
最大風力為10-11級,即風速在24.5米/秒-32.6米/秒者,稱為強熱帶風暴(severe tropical storm);
typhoon 臺風
hurricane 颶風
high wind 狂風
tropical cyclone 熱帶氣旋
tropical depression 熱帶低壓
eye 風眼
heavy rain 大雨、暴雨
torrential rain 傾盆大雨
storm track 風暴路徑
orange alert 橙色預警
red alert 紅色預警
safety precaution 安全預防措施
tropical storm 熱帶風暴
ebb away 衰退,漸逝
power line 輸電線
warning system 報警系統(tǒng)
traffic safety 交通(行車)安全
early warning 早期預警
evacuation 撤離、疏散
power outage 斷電
coastal areas 沿海地區(qū)
direct economic loss 直接經(jīng)濟損失
emergency response plan 應急預案
breached dike 決口堤岸
landslide 滑坡
mudslide 泥石流