Acts of deliberately throwing objects from a high altitude will be treated as a crime of endangering public safety by dangerous means, intentional injury or intentional homicide depending on specific situations, according to a new guideline issued by the Supreme People's Court.
故意從高空拋棄物品,尚未造成嚴重后果,但足以危害公共安全的(intentional high-rise littering activities that have not caused serious consequences but are sufficient to endanger public safety),依照刑法第一百一十四條規(guī)定的以危險方法危害公共安全罪定罪處罰;
致人重傷、死亡或者使公私財產(chǎn)遭受重大損失的(those who inflict serious injury or death on people or cause heavy losses of public or private property),依照刑法第一百一十五條第一款的規(guī)定處罰。
為傷害、殺害特定人員實施上述行為的(anyone who commits the acts with the purpose of injuring or killing a specific person),依照故意傷害罪、故意殺人罪定罪處罰。
多次實施的(repeatedly committing the acts);
經(jīng)勸阻仍繼續(xù)實施的(continuing to carry out such acts after being dissuaded from doing so);
受過刑事處罰或者行政處罰后又實施的(committing the acts after receiving criminal or administrative punishment);
在人員密集場所實施的(conducting the acts in crowded places);
意見規(guī)定,過失導致物品從高空墜落,致人死亡、重傷(anyone who causes objects to fall from high altitudes due to negligence, resulting in serious injury or death),符合刑法第二百三十三條、第二百三十五條規(guī)定的,依照過失致人死亡罪(manslaughter)、過失致人重傷罪(severe injury due to negligence)定罪處罰。在生產(chǎn)、作業(yè)中違反有關安全管理規(guī)定,從高空墜落物品,發(fā)生重大傷亡事故或者造成其他嚴重后果的,依照刑法第一百三十四條第一款的規(guī)定,以重大責任事故罪(crime of major accident liability)定罪處罰。
正當防衛(wèi) justifiable defense
緊急避險 emergency measures
公共秩序 public order
社會治安 social security