The Internet is filled with a lot of wild and wonderful things. A lot of ridiculous shit too, of course, and sometimes we just want to get away from it all. We need a way to hide from the constant binging of our phones and humblebrags on social media without leaving the comfort of our home.
But how? Well, behold: the KFC Internet Escape Pod.
According to KFC’s website, the dome is “like a magic force field designed to disrupt the internet coming to and from your devices.” Because apparently turning our phones and computers off isn’t enough.
"We were going to sell this for the ridiculously high price of $96,485.34, but in the spirit of Cyber Monday it can be yours for $10,000,” the website says.
People may marvel at the absurdity of KFC selling something other than a bucket of drumsticks. In fact, not only are they selling a $10,000 tent, but the company’s online store also sells pillows, socks, and jewelry. There’s even a KFC’s clothing line.
The company acknowledges that “a special person with a gizmo” has to test the Internet-blocking cage before they can claim “total and utter signal impenetrability .”
So if you’ve got an extra $10,000 lying around – and a gizmo, of course — check out the KFC website to grab your Internet Escape Pod. But hurry, the company says “this product is on close out and won’t be replenished when sold out.”