His soft voice interrupted my thoughts. "He acted from loneliness. That's usually the reasonbehind the choice. I was the first in Carlisle's family, though he found Esme soon after. She fellfrom a cliff. They brought her straight to the hospital morgue, though, somehow, her heartwas still beating."
"So you must be dying, then, to become…" We never said the word, and I couldn't frame itnow.
"No, that's just Carlisle. He would never do that to someone who had another choice." Therespect in his voice was profound whenever he spoke of his father figure. "It is easier hesays, though," he continued, "if the blood is weak." He looked at the now-dark road, and I couldfeel the subject closing again.
"And Emmett and Rosalie?"
"Carlisle brought Rosalie to our family next. I didn't realize till much later that he was hoping shewould be to me what Esme was to him — he was careful with his thoughts around me." Herolled his eyes.