Bruce Lee's writings are very fun to read,but they were notes.You get these quotes where he may change one word and substitute jeet kune do for tao.So therefore it's not pure naturalness or unnaturalness.
李小龍的書很有趣,但只能算是筆記。他直接引用了很多段落,有些只改了一個詞,把"道"換成"截拳道"。所以 這不是純粹的自然 也不是純粹的不自然
The ideal is unnatural naturalness or natural unnaturalness Yin yang. -You're right, man,that's it.
最高境界是不自然的自然,或是自然的不自然。陰陽嗎? -沒錯,老兄。
Because of Bruce Lee,now I read up on Alan Watts JD Krishnamurti,of course Lao Tsu,Tao Te Ching.
Bruce Lee dissected those philosophies,making them straight and direct and to the point.That's what real philosophys about,something that you can apply to day-to-day living.That's what Bruce Lee did.This is where he was a genius.
It might sound too philosophical,but it's unacting acting or acting unacting if you...
You've lost me. - I have, huh?
我被搞暈了 -是挺繞吧
So Bruce Lee as a philosopher introduces nothing new but introduces a radicalism into martial art.He's speaking the ideology of the counter culture.He speaks the zeitgeist.So you get an interest in Buddhism,in yoga, in all things Eastern.
Bruce Lee shows you meditation in movement.