[00:06:26]I know, Jon said. Soon. He looked around at all the noise and confusion. Leaving is harder than I thought.
[00:14:19]For me too, Robb said. He had snow in his hair, melting from the heat of his body. Did you see him?
[00:22:07]Jon nodded, not trusting himself to speak.
[00:25:38]He’s not going to die, Robb said. I know it.
[00:29:33]You Starks are hard to kill, Jon agreed. His voice was flat and tired. The visit had taken all the strength from him.
[00:38:46]Robb knew something was wrong. My mother?
[00:43:09]She was very kind, Jon told him.
[00:48:13]Robb looked relieved. Good. He smiled. The next time I see you, you’ll be all in black.
[00:55:21]Jon forced himself to smile back. It was always my color. How long do you think it will be?
[01:02:26]Soon enough, Robb promised. He pulled Jon to him and embraced him fiercely. Farewell, Snow.
[01:08:35]Jon hugged him back. And you, Stark. Take care of Bran.
[01:15:37]I will. They broke apart and looked at each other awkwardly. Uncle Benjen said to send you to the stables if I saw you, Robb finally said.
[01:26:31]I have one more farewell to make, Jon told him.