I have a personal dream as well. My dream is to make a real difference for women all over the world and to help transform lives. Every time a woman opens an Avon Beauty Boutique, we are making her dream of business ownership come true. This is the dream of unlimited opportunity. This is the dream of hope. It is also the dream of China - where everything is possible and success can be as great as the size of your imagination.
In many ways the dream of China is really the biggest dream of all—and it's a dream we all share. And we're not alone. The dream of China has captured the world's imagination since the beginning of history. From Columbus to Marco Polo, explorers have traveled long and far to unlock China's mystery and discover its riches.
The dream of China is a gift given to each of us as part of our cultural heritage. As China emerges as one of the world's leading powers, this dream grows stronger and brighter everyday. The world is looking on in awe. And nothing makes me prouder than to watch this growth and success.