Advise with advice
Remember that the goal of constructive criticism isn’t to make the person feel terrible; it’s tohelp them grow. Instead of directly accusing the person, try to get the message through tothem in the form of light-hearted advice. Phrases like, “Next time you might want to ? or “I findit helpful to ? can take away the blame while still leaving an impact: “Next time you might wantto give a little more attention to the audience. I find it helpful to look people in the eyes while Iam speaking.”
記?。河薪ㄔO(shè)性的建議的目標不是讓對方難受,而是幫助人成長。避免直接的指責他人,試著將訊息以輕松愉快的方式傳達給對方。表達方式像是:”Next time you might want to“或”I find it helpful to“當仍然帶有沖擊性的時候可以沖淡指責意味:”Next time you might want to give a little more attention to theaudience. I find it helpful to look people in the eyes while I am speaking.”
Stay specific
People can’t change overnight, especially if they don’t get detailed direction. Simply saying“you need to work on your presentation skills” won’t help a soul! Be detailed in your advice,and don’t overload anyone with criticism. Remember, you want them to keep trying andimproving. Don’t leave them feeling defeated!
人是無法一夜之間改變的,尤其當他們無法獲得詳細引導的時候。簡單地說:”you need to work on yourpresentation skills”對于心靈將沒有幫助!將你的建議詳細些,不要給予負荷不了的批評。記得,你希望他們是不斷的嘗試及改進。不要使他們感到如此挫折!
Unfortunately, this is not up to standard/not up to par.
Not bad, but there's room for improvement.
You need to be more focused.
There were gaps in your report. Please be more thorough.
The boss found careless mistakes in your proposal. Please be more detail-oriented.
I was hasty. I jumped the gun.
I overlooked some facts. I'll be more thorough.